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Aloe Vera Benefits
The aloe vera plant has been used for several thousand years. There are references to aloe vera in many cultures, from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, as well as in literature of the Indian and Chinese peoples. The aloe Vera plant is also mentioned in the Bible several times. There is evidence that suggests that aloe Vera helps inflammatory conditions of the gastro intestinal tract such as gastritis, diverticulitis and colitis. One research paper suggests that peptic ulcers treated orally with aloe vera had good results. Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in California studied the results of Aloe Vera in the gastro intestinal tract of normal people. He found that aloe had several measurable effects. There was faster movement of food through the bowel with better protein digestion and absorption, an increase in water in the stool made it bulkier and a normalization of stool bacteria where there had previously been high levels of yeasts in some of the subjects. As a result of these findings a closer look at IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) was taken. In the U. K. IBS effects over five million people and is common to be seen by doctors in hospital clinics. Aloe concentrate (AMP as the main ingredient in Gastric Gold) was given to some of the UK patients that have IBS, and the results were very good. It worked in a majority of the patients using it. One patient was so pleased with her newly controlled bowel that she said “I can go shopping now with confidence-its great”. Many people that have arthritis have reduced the number of anti-inflammatory and pain killing medicine to a level where they ceased to get the usual side effects of abdominal pain and indigestion. These effects were probably due to aloe Vera’s innate anti-inflammatory effect as well as its effect on the immune system. The plant alone has many vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin A, C and E and even contains Vitamin B12. It has many different types of biochemical catalysts when taken orally aid in digestion by breaking down fats and sugars. One enzyme called Bradykinase helps to reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin topically and therefore reduces pain. Lipases and proteases breakdown foods and aid digestion are also present. AMP, which is the concentrated freeze dried extract taken from the aloe Vera plant also strengthens the immune system when take orally. Many conditions which are caused by a disordered immune system such as asthma and forms of arthritis also can benefit from Gastric Gold. Gastric Gold when taken three times daily gives you the maximum safe dosage of one of natures best blessings.
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